RIP: Microsoft Officially Ends Windows 7 Support Today

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Microsoft is officially pulling its support for Windows 7 today, more than a decade after its official release. Considered by many as one of the best Windows releases of all time, Windows 7 was a breath of fresh air after the disastrous release that was Windows Vista and was a mainstay of many PCs after Microsoft dabbled with UI elements in Windows 8.

While PCs with Windows 7 will still work even after today, they will no longer receive important security updates and patches that keep their PCs safe from malware and other exploits that are present on the web.

Microsoft suggests users move on to its newer Windows 10 Operating System, though for many users it’s hard to let go of old’ reliable.

Many PCs around the world still use Windows 7 more than a decade after its release, with NetMarketShare estimating around 1/3 of PCs in the world still using the now outdated OS. Windows 10 on the other hand, is on roughly half of the PCs around the world today.

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