StarCraft 2 will be Free-to-Play Starting November 14

Blizzard Wants to Cement Foothold on eSports?

Blizzard just dropped another major announcement at Blizzcon 2017. One of their flagship titles, StarCraft II, is going free-to-play starting November 14. This means you can download the game (SC2: Wings of Liberty), install it, and play it without paying for a single centavo.

Apart from Wings of Liberty single-player, you can also play the online ranked competitive multi-player. In this mode you get access to all the units from all the StarCraft II releases. To unlock this mode though gamers will have to win a bunch of unranked games against the computer. Hard to complain about it though considering it’s free, hehe.

To get more details about this, check out the overview video below made by Blizzard.

Lastly if you already have Wings of Liberty, you get the next release, Heart of the Swarm, for free on Single Player. How sweet is that?

Blizzard Drops Epic Cinematic Teaser for World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth

Thanks Blizzard!

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