The Dark Knight Trilogy Play Arts Kai Set: Batman, Catwoman, Joker, and Bane

Play Arts Kai The Dark Knight Returns Set
Play Arts Kai The Dark Knight Returns Set

The Dark Knight Trilogy Play Arts Kai Set!

Play Arts Kai is the merchandising arm of Square Enix (gaming company behind Final Fantasy) and in the last few years they’ve released collectible figures of key characters in The Dark Knight Trilogy. We were finally able to complete the whole set a few weeks ago and we just wanted to share with you guys some photos as well as our thoughts about the figures. Each of these collectibles sell anywhere from Php2,500-Php4,000 depending on where you buy them.



Modeled after the Batman of Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale, this figure has affectionally picked up the monicker “Baleman” among toy collectors. It features the same light armor that Batman starts using in the second movie after he gets attacked by hounds and realizes he needed something a little more flexible. The figure comes with various extras like palms and weapons including small grenades and his grappling hook gun.


Definitely one of our favorite Batman collectible figures. He’s also quite easy to pose so that’s a huge plus for people who like taking photos of their toys (aka us here at Unbox, lol).

The Joker

Why so serious?

Each time we see this action figure it brings out a lot of the terrifying memories of the Joker which was played by the late Heath Ledger. Play Arts Kai nailed everything about this figure from the costume, make-up, messy hair, and even the accessories! The box comes with weapons like cards and Joker’s pocket knife which he used several times in the movie.


Easily one of our favorites in this set! Only criticism is that this particular figure is kinda hard to pose. Joints are a bit too tight.

Selena Kyle


Portrayed by Anne Hathaway in The Dark Knight Rises, Selena Kyle aka “Catwoman”, is the only woman in this set. Just like in the movie the figure has the skin tight body suit, the razor sharp heels, and the visors that also double as cat ears (lol). It also comes with a handgun in the box and an alternate head with the visors on.


Toy has a striking resemblance to Anne right? Coolness!


The Fire Rises!

Next we have BANE! We kinda have mixed feelings about this particular figure for several reasons. First the eyes and face tend to discolor fast. Next, while there are a lot of joints for articulation, it’s next to impossible to get him to stand properly without the display stand. Lastly we would have loved it if they also shipped a version of this with his trench coat, hehe.

Bat Cowl

The broken Bat cowl is a nice addition though!

Metallic Batman SDCC Limited Edition Version

Bombs away!

Last, but definitely not the least, we have the San Diego Comic Con 2013 EXCLUSIVE BLACK METALLIC version of Batman. It’s the same figure with the same accessories except that the armor/suit of this figure looks much shinier, glossier, and uh… metallic. Apparently this is a very limited run item since there were only 1,000 pieces created. We’re kinda stoked that we were able to get one! This means that we’re one of the only 1,000 people in the world right now who has this fig! Awesomeness!

And that’s a wrap! You can find almost all these toys in the different toy shops in Greenhills. Most of the toy stores are bunched up in the third floor of Shoppesville. Just go to the Shoppesville Plus section and you’ll find most of the stores there. The most expensive one in this set is the SDCC Metallic Version Batman (saw a store selling for Php6,000) while the rest play around from Php2,800-Php4,000. Try to get them below Php3,000. Anything above that is a bit too much.

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