The Witcher Battle Arena is a MOBA for Mobile

 Witcher 3

Want to play a MOBA on the go?

We’re huge fans of CD Projekt, the Polish company responsible for the very awesome Witcher franchise (which will soon come out with the third installment that you should definitely check out). Anyway, the company has released a MOBA based on that particular fantasy franchise, called the Witcher Battle Arena, which has gameplay elements that’s similar to other MOBA’s out in the market today like DoTA, LoL and HoN. The best part is that the game is made for mobile and is free to download and play, with a freemium model that doesn’t make the game into a pay-to-play dragfest.

The Witcher Battle Arena allows you to team up with two other players and duke it out against 3 other players or AI (depending on your mood or the speed of your online connection), and allows you to take up arms against your enemies using several different characters in the Witcher universe, including of course its main protagonist, Geralt of Rivia. CD Projekt says the game is free-to-play done right, and any item you can buy using real money is can be acquired through grinding in the game, so throwing money at the game isn’t a guarantee that you’ll be winning every match.

The game is available for both iOS and Android now, though the Windows version will come a bit later (sorry guys!).

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