Top 5 Games to Check Out in February 2018

Blasts from the Past

A lot of you are still probably sinking in hours upon hours on Monster Hunter World, but February is chockfull of gaming gems worth checking out as well. While there aren’t many new triple-A titles to check this month, prepare for a nostalgia attack as a few games from the days of yore are coming back, remastered and ready for some 4K goodness.

Here are our Top 5 Games to Check Out in February 2018.

Shadow of the Colossus (Playstation 4)

If there’s one game you have to pick up this month, let it be this one. Shadow of the Colossus debuted more than a decade ago on October 2005; back in the days where we all thought we’ve reached the pinnacle of graphics with the Playstation 2. This action-adventure game is pretty straightforward and most of the time you’re basically traversing an expansive space, called the Forbidden Lands, and slaying Colossi repeatedly. It all sounds boring when you put it plainly, but Team Ico has always had the knack for making what seemingly are mundane and repetitive tasks into something exhilarating. Our friends from Ungeek were able to get a hold of an early copy and gave it a 9.5/10 in their review. For more details check their feature out, HERE.

Shadow of the Colossus drops on February 6.

Bayonetta 1 and 2 (Nintendo Switch)

This action-adventure hack and slash turned heads when it was first released for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 back in 2009. Taking cues from the king of the hill for the genre at that time, Devil May Cry, Bayonetta employs fast-paced gunplay combined with “stimulating visuals” that made it a big hit. With Bayonetta 3 slated to be released this year, PlatinumGames and Sega decided to bring this title to Nintendo’s current best-selling console — the Nintendo Switch. The two games will be bundled but you’ll need to digitally download the first installment of the game.

Bayonetta 1 & 2 on the Nintendo Switch will be available on February 16.

Secret of Mana (PS4, PS Vita, PC)

Tito and Tita Gamers should be familiar with this RPG that was first released for the SuperFamicom or Super NES back in 1993. While most RPGs at that time focused on turn-based combat, Secret of Mana featured real-time combat and you could even play with your friends to control the other sprites. If you’re dying to get more info about this classic remake, such as the Collector’s Edition, a further look into the game from producer Masaru Oyamada and the rumored limited physical copy run, Ungeek.ph has more juicy news to share.

The remake of the iconic RPG was announced in August 2017 and will be released on February 15.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance (PC, PS4, Xbox One)

If you’ve ever dreamed about living in the medieval times, this may be your bet… Unless you’ve discovered how to time travel. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an open-world RPG and it’s been compared to Skyrim but leans more towards historical accuracy rather than all magic and dragons. From what we’ve seen everything looks on the up and up plus we’ve even seen mods to give Kingdom Come: Deliverance a Game of Thrones feel.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance will be out on February 13.

Metal Gear Survive (PC, PS4, Xbox One)

Now that Hideo Kojima and the people at Bandai Namco have had a bit of a split, they’re still trying to keep the popular franchise alive, The first entry into the Metal Gear series without Kojima is Metal Gear Survive; a cooperative online-only action game. Players can either play with other people or solo with AI teammates in a series of missions with one goal in mind — Survive. There’s a bit of backlash with this title given the events surrounding Kojima’s departure but if you’re looking for coop games to play with your mates then it’s still worth checking out. We’d wait for reviews though.

Metal Gear Survive drops on February 20.

Those are just some of the games coming out this month. In case, we’ve missed a game you’re looking forward to seeing, leave them in the comment section below and click the links as well to check out our other articles about gaming. If you’d like to revel on video game, geek lifestyle and culture, give our sister-site (or in this case, geeky little brother) a look as Ungeek.ph talks about geek and gaming all day, err day!

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