You Can Now Stream Overwatch (Or Any Blizzard Game) To Facebook


A few months ago Blizzard announced a strategic partnership with Facebook that allowed gamers to quickly and easily stream Overwatch and any other Blizzard game to their timeline. Today that partnership has borne fruit, and Blizzard has announced that the new streaming feature is live.

The Facebook streaming feature is now open and available to use for players in the Americas, Australia, New Zealand and Southeast Asia, with a complete global rollout “soon”. Right now the feature is only for Windows-powered PCs, though the company has promised Mac support at a later date.

“Blizzard games are best when played with friends, so it’s important to us to provide our players with features and services that make it easy and fun to share their experiences with each other,” said Gio Hunt, executive vice president of corporate operations at Blizzard Entertainment when the feature was first announced.

Expect more livestreams from your friends trying to use Genji and failing, badly.

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