Facebook Pillow and Dove Men Care Contest Winners

First let me apologize for announcing this late! Here are the winners for our last two raffle contests for the Facebook themed pillow and the Dove + Men Care Gift Packs. All the entries were selected via an electronic randomizer. For the winner of the Facebook themed pillow please claim your prize at Applewerkz located at Katipunan (Blue Ridge area) anytime next week after Tuesday. I’ll leave your name with the owner so you can just go there and pick it up. For the Dove + Men Care Gift Packs, please wait for the e-mail so we can coordinate how you’ll get your prizes.

Here are the winners:

FACEBOOK PILLOW: Resly George Amador

DOVE MEN CARE GIFT PACKS: Alvin Chua, Marielle Payad, and Glenn Ong

Congratulations again everyone! Again for the winners of the Dove + Men Care Packs, check your e-mail.

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