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Old Guys and Young Girls Have A Dedicated Dating Platform on the Internet

Ever imagined sugar daddy dating thru the internet?

In this modern day and age, we have a plethora of dating apps to choose from. There’s Tinder, there’s Grindr, there’s OK Cupid, and many more; each of these dating apps cater to different audiences: Straight, Gay, Bi, Lesbian, you name it. But, have you ever thought of a dating app that links older men to younger women?

The idea finding a sugar daddy may be considered taboo, but we can’t deny the fact that people may be into it.

Among those who thought of an online sugar daddy dating app is Brandon Wade, a dating guru who founded several sugar daddy dating sites, which include SeekingArrangement, SeekingMillionaire, and WhatsYourPrice. Don’t judge Wade for his peculiar idea: He’s an MIT graduate born to strict and conservative Chinese parents in Singapore, and is a self-confessed nerd.

“My mother told me to focus on my goal: To study very hard, because if I was successful later on in life and I had the financial means, and I could be generous, then dating would be easier for me. I followed that advice! It worked out well!” Wade shared on his personal website, citing it as one of his philosophies.

While a lot has questioned Wade’s idea as being a front for escort services and prostitution, he has repeatedly defended his unusual business model. In a column he wrote for CNN, Wade elaborates that they kick people off the site if they use it for inappropriate reasons. “By encouraging people to find and negotiate an arrangement, we hope to create modern relationships based on open-mindedness, open communication, brutal honesty and transparent expectations.” Wade elaborated in his opinion piece.

Whether you are for or against sugar daddy dating sites, the bigger question would be whether it would be acceptable or not in a conservative country like the Philippines.

Sources: Vice, Mothership, Straits Times

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