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Star Wars: The Old Republic Game Preview

Two of the biggest words I have ever learned: Star Wars. Add in the three worlds the whole world is waiting for, and you have the game BioWare, EA and Lucas Arts have been fixing in the past year.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is finally out with promising updates! It is the long awaited online game from the Star Wars franchise. It was set to be released last 2010, but it looked so old, they remade it and now I’m drooling over the videos I see.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is set more than 3,000 years before the films, in a time when the Brotherhood of the Sith was a massive empire in the galaxy that was just recently defeated by the Jedi Order.

Here’s the new trailer video. In my honest Star Wars geek opinion, it pays lots of homage to the films released. Smuggler, fastest ship, the escape scene, Sith warships. Ah, see for yourself.

The gameplay is such a huge improvement from what they showed last year. Look at this gameplay video of a party doing an instance (it’s called a flashpoint here), it’s amazing. Even the non-Jedi characters look cool.

Right now though, it seems they’re only planning to release this for Windows only. Oh well, that gives me one more reason to upgrade my hard drive and dual boot. What do you think? Will you join me when this is out?

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