The BlackBerry Aurora Goes Offical in Indonesia

One of the earliest phones that was launched during Mobile World Congress was the BlackBerry KeyOne. It had a pretty decent specs for a mid-ranged device and featured the brand’s signature QWERTY keypad, but the asking price was a tad bit much and we really don’t think it’ll fly here in the country.

Related: The New BlackBerry KeyOne Won’t Fly in the Philippines

Whilst combing through the usual tech sites we peruse for stories to share with you guys, another device bearing the BlackBerry brand caught our attention. The phone you see photographed above is the BlackBerry Aurora. It comes from the good folks over at BB Merah Putih, an Indonesian company that has been allowed to slap the name of BlackBerry on smartphones. Let’s check out what the Aurora has under the hood.

BlackBerry Aurora Specifications

While its specs may not be spectacularly impressive, it does make for a good mid-ranged device. It’s a bit of a bummer to see the display at just 720p, but it’s an understandable choice so that the SoC doesn’t have to push as many pixels.

The BlackBerry Aurora has been given a price of 3,499,000 IDR but, before you freak out about the six digit number, that only amounts to Php 13,139.

Would you like to see the Aurora make its way on to Philippine shores? Let us know in the comments down below.


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