Don’t Fall For The Hoax: Facebook Isn’t Coming Out With A Subscription $5.99 Fee

Facebook Hoax

Another FB hoax makes the rounds

Maybe you’ve noticed your friends post a legal-sounding post on their Newsfeed lately about their privacy rights and alleged $5.99 subscription fee to keep their accounts private. Obviously if you’re reading this, you already know that the post is bogus – Facebook isn’t going to be charging an additional fee to keep your posts private, and anybody that claims otherwise is blowing smoke up your ass. Don’t believe us? Here’s what the social media giant has to say about it:

While there may be water on Mars, don’t believe everything you read on the internet today. Facebook is free and it always will be. And the thing about copying and pasting a legal notice is just a hoax. Stay safe out there Earthlings!

Always remember folks, no amount of legal-sounding text will keep the information that you upload to Facebook yours alone – the mere fact that you created an account and are using Facebook means that anything you upload through the site is subject to their terms of service,  and depending on your privacy and application settings you are allowing Facebook to a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, wordlwide license to any IP that you post in the social media site. In addition, Facebook regularly farms your account for your viewing habits and preferences, and sends that information to advertisers so they can better tailor ads to you.

If anything, the FB hoax is a great indicator of just how gullible some of your friends are. Always remember, Google and Snopes is your friend.




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