#Wagtularan: Woman Drives Into Lake Because Of GPS

Picture from Good Housekeeping
Picture from Good Housekeeping

Waze can be your savior. It can guide you through back roads in Metro Manila you never knew existed; saving you from a sea of glaring red brake lights. Of course, there are times when it can be the death of your day, your patience, and your plans using the very same back roads to trap you in even more hellish traffic. We’ve certainly asked ourselves if we should follow the app to see if it would shave off precious minutes from our drive or blindly follow its instructions and hope for the best. This cautionary tale should make you question the app, look at a map, and pay attention to the road a little more if you’ve been relying a little too heavily on GPS navigation to get you around town.

A woman from Tobermory, Ontario drove her car into a lake. In her defense, it had been raining hard and was apparently quite foggy; making visibility really bad. Relying on the guidance of her GPS unit, she approached a boat launch and was told to keep going. Thankfully, she was able to roll up the window before the car sank, swim to safety, and is free from physical injury.

Has Waze ever asked you to go through sketchy roads in Manila? Or maybe you have a horror story you can now laugh about that you’d like to share. Let us know in the comments down below.

Source: Good Housekeeping

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