Behold the Turing Monolith Chaconne: Triple SD830, 18GB RAM, 60MP Quad Cam, Augmented Reality Phablet

Here we go again. This time, it’s the supposed Phone Cadenza‘s supposed bigger, meaner sibling. Android Police reports on a new newsletter from Turing Robotic Industries and it includes a new phone offering slated for 2018 release – the Turing Monolith Chaconne. What’s a “chaconne”, you ask?

Wowza. Musical!

Anyway, Steve Chao, CEO of Turing Robotic Industries, begins his manifesto this time with an inspirational quote from legendary Apple founder Steve Jobs:

“Here’s to the insane, the crazy ones, the misfits, the fools, the rebels, the troublemakers and the ones who see things differently. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they alter things. They lead us down a new path – and while some may see them as insane, we see brilliance – because the ones who are crazy enough to think they can alter the world, are the ones who do.”

He then explains, in technical fashion, how the “dual Snapdragon 830s” in their upcoming Phone Cadenza will work. Supposedly this method is how they’ll be implementing the triple Snapdragon 830 dilemma in the Monolith Chaconne. Chao also dropped pictures of where their powerful Turing phones might be developed in Finland, where Nokia and Microsoft used to develop devices.

TRI R&D and Production Facility in Salo, Finland.

Turing Monolith Chaconne

A triple cascade of MIND=BLOWN just shattered our heads here at Unbox. We await the Turing Monolith Chaconne with bated breath!

Interested in “changing the world”? Apparently, TRI is accepting applications to work at its “Finland R&D facility” at: changetheworld@turingphone.com.

Source: Android Police

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