Twitter Circle Is Like “Close Friends” But For Your Tweets: Now Online

Have you ever remained on the fence about keeping your Twitter private or public? Sometimes it can be a difficult decision to make because replying to other people who don’t follow you isn’t quite possible with a private account. However, you aren’t too particular about showing your profile rants about work to just about anybody. Welcome Twitter Circle, which is sort of the Instagram Close Friends feature but for Twitter. You can now shout out your voice to a smaller, limited group of people.

This feature officially went live around the world yesterday evening. Its concept is simple yet extremely useful to just about anyone. It’s to keep those Tweets safe and private to prevent any mishaps with the different facets of your life. However, it still gives you the ability to communicate with tweets outside of your friendship base when you feel like it.

How does it work? In summary, you can add just about anyone to your circle. You can only have one of these groups, but up to 150 people can be part of your little huddle. People won’t know who else you’ve added to your circle unless they personally ask them though. Members of your Circle can also see replies from other members to your limited tweets, provided that these accounts aren’t protected or private. Their replies can also only be seen by their followers who are part of your Circle.

All this talk about Circles may have your head spinning around, but it’s much simpler in practice than in theory. You can’t leave a Twitter Circle, but you can just block, unfollow, or mute the person. We all know which option us non-confrontational people are selecting.

If you’re interested, then here’s how you activate the feature: Go to the Tweet Composer, and press Choose Audience. You should easily find the Twitter Circle option for you to play with there.

It’s a breath of fresh air to see Twitter continuing to innovate and launch innovative new features despite the turmoil the company is experiencing. Whether this effort is a little too late will be up to the users, as well as owners of the company to decide.




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