HONOR wants MagicOS to be Better than iOS

As HONOR is gradually increasing its presence globally, it has a few ambitious goals in mind. Aside from introducing things like new battery innovations, HONOR wants its own MagicOS to be at par—or even better—than Apple’s iOS.

To make this feat possible, HONOR is investing around 10% of its revenue in R&D, with CEO Zhao Ming adding that not all companies and allot that much of their revenue for R&D. Beyond that statement, Ming even made a ambitious goal of making MagicOS better than Apple’s iOS by improving it further.

Photo by Jamie Inocian

Zhao explained that while Apple has a good ecosystem, they dso fall short when it comes to things like screen bezels, battery life, and signal reception. To make MagicOS catch up with iOS, the next challenge for HONOR is to improve its OS’ fluency and making its ecosystem more streamlined.

MagicOS 7.1, the latest version of HONOR’s OS, has AI-inspired upgrades on the cameras, GPU, and the phone’s overall system. MagicOS 7.1 aims to “provide a seamless experience across the cross-platform, cross-device experiences”, which should help HONOR develop an ecosystem that’s as solid as what Apple’s iOS has to offer.

While it’s based on Android 13, MagicOS 7.1 offers a broad range of customization options and better optimizations to improve performance and battery life.

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