Google, Facebook Bans Fake News Sites From Their Respective Ad Networks

Two of the biggest names in tech, Alphabet’s Google and Facebook have announced that they are now clamping down on fake news on the internet by hitting bogus news sites where it hurts the most: their wallets. Google has said that they’re now working on preventing websites that misrepresent content by lies and falsehoods to […]

Facebook is Now Offering Free Online Journalism Courses

Aspiring (and current) online journalists out there might want to check out Facebook’s newly launched, free online journalism courses. Unveiled a few days ago under Blueprint, Facebook’s global training division, the new courses are the social media giant’s way of improving the quality of the network’s news gathering and reporting. “We’re proud today to launch […]

Facebook Messenger’s “Secret Conversations”: A Useful Privacy Feature That You Should Use

A few weeks ago, Facebook started rolling out their encryption system for the Messenger app dubbed “Secret Conversations”. This opt-in feature creates a conversation that is “encrypted end-to-end, which means the messages are intended just for you and the other person—not anyone else, including Facebook.” Wow, that’s sneaky, spy-movie level stuff there, folks. Of course, […]

Facebook Already Has Access To Your Personal Information (And There’s Nothing You Can Do About It)

It’s that time of the year again – the time when everybody and their dog put legal-sounding disclaimers on their Facebook feed to “prevent” Facebook from making their private posts public. For some reason this hoax is going around again, and for the benefit of people blissfully unaware that it’s a hoax, we’re making a […]

Facebook Should Copy Google’s New Fact-Check Feature ASAP

The Bane of Fake News Is Here Google just released a new feature called Fact-Check and we just pray that Facebook follows the lead and implements something like it for their site ASAP. The feature is very straightforward: Google News determines whether an article might contain fact checks in part by looking for the […]

Free Facebook Is Making People Lazier

Everybody wants to be spoonfed information now Free Facebook sucks. What started as an initiative to allow people to be able to talk and connect to each other even without an active data connection has now transformed into the refuge of the lazy. For people who don’t know, both telcos in the Philippines allow users […]

Facebook Launches Standalone Events App

Plan a Weekend Getaway or Check out Nearby Events Facebook has a number of apps under its belt based on features available on the site. Seeing as the popular social media platform has reported its user base to include 1.71 Billion users as of the second quarter of this year, it’s no surprise that they […]

Facebook Shows Off Future Of VR Using Oculus Rift Think VR headsets are just for gaming? Think again – Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg showed off the future of VR headsets, and it’ ain’t just about gaming. Zuckerberg demoed live VR chat using the Oculus Rift, and oh man was it awesome. The demo involed the Oculus headset as well as the Oculus Touch […]

Facebook Debuts “Marketplace” Classified Ads as an eBay and Craigslist Alternative

Looks like Facebook wants to diversify their platform even further. Following the launch of their Messenger Lite chat app a few days ago, Facebook has just announced a new feature for its main platform, the Marketplace. Related: Facebook Releases Messenger Lite For Android In a nutshell, Marketplace is Facebook’s built-in classified ads system, similar to […]

Facebook Releases Messenger Lite For Android

While Facebook’s Messenger app has managed to replace many a messaging app in Android phones nowadays, it’s still highly dependent on stable data connections – connections that aren’t always available in third world countries like the Philippines. That’s probably the reason why Mark Zuckerberg and his crew at Facebook announced the “Lite” version of Messenger […]

Viral Fridays: Teenager Sues Parents for Posting Embarrassing Baby Pics on Facebook

Hello, and welcome to Unbox’s first installment of “Viral Fridays” where we feature weirder than usual tech and geek related news to cap out the week. This week, we’ll be posting two articles to launch the column. The first oddball post this week focuses on an unusual case of “defamation” and/or “invasion of privacy” in […]