Facebook Will Allow Live Video Streaming To Any Device

Even a drone Facebook knows that video is the way forward, and during their F8 conference earlier today the company rolled out plans that will allow almost any device that’s capable of recording video and uploading it to use their Live video streaming service. The company is now opening up their Live API so that […]

Someone Just Scheduled A Brawl In Ace Hardware Via Facebook Events

Hi-tech suntukan! You know those times when you were in grade school when two kids needed to settle a score in a certain place via fisticuffs? Yeah, we’ve found the modern version of that. A Facebook page that we’re just linking here and not naming (since it’s NSFW) has organized an event dubbed “Suntukan sa […]

You Can Now Share Songs From Spotify To Facebook Messenger

Virtual harana, anybody? After partnering with ride-sharing app Uber in the US, Facebook has cooked up yet another collaborative feature for its Messenger service. This time around the social media giant hooked up with streaming site Spotify, lending their music library to the former’s messaging service. To find it you’ll have to click on the […]

What Would You Do If The NTC Bans Free Facebook?

Let’s talk hypotheticals Yesterday we told you about India’s equivalent of the National Telecommunications Commission banning both free Facebook and the company’s free website access initiative, internet.org on grounds of net neutrality. Net neutrality, for those not in the know, is the principle that internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless […]

India Bans Free Facebook, Internet.org Over Net Neutrality Worries

No more free internet The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has banned Internet.org and free access to the app in the country, citing that the initiatives violated the principles of Net Neutrality. Internet.org offered free access to several websites included local news, weather forecasts, Wikipedia and a number of other sites. Net Neutrality rules basically […]

Facebook Officially Marks 12th Birthday By Celebrating Your Friends

Happy 12th birthday, Facebook! Facebook, that social media giant owned by billionaire/tech mogul/future robot overlord Mark Zuckerberg turns 12 today, and the company is celebrating by declaring today as friends’ day. If you’ve checked your Facebook account at any time today (which, let’s not kid ourselves, you’ve already done a hundred times by now) you’ve […]

Need A Ride? You Can Now Grab An Uber Via Facebook Messenger

If this is implemented in the PH, it will be huge Uber is now allowing users on Facebook Messenger to book and schedule rides with the popular ride sharing app, at least in the US. In an announcement post in Uber’s official blog, the company detailed how simple it is in the video below: Right […]

Facebook Can Now Hide Your Ex Automatically After Breaking Up

This should lessen the hit of your breakup It’s almost a requirement nowadays that you be friends on Facebook with your significant other (that’s where the phrase Facebook Official comes from) but what happens when you break up? The akward photo tags, your ex showing up in your newsfeed in conversations she has with common […]

Facebook Rolls Out New Reactions Emoticons in PH

Testing’s over, it’s now live If you’ve checked your Facebook lately, you might have seen several new emoticons below posts in your news feed. These are the new reactions emoticons, first tested in Spain and Ireland. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg previously said that the new emojis “gives you new ways to express love, awe, humor […]

How To Avoid Getting Your Twitter, Facebook and Google Account From Getting Hacked

  TL;DR; Use two factor authentication Yesterday we told you that Anonymous Philippines managed to hack Maine Mendoza’s Twitter account. Just like everybody else, Yaya Dub’s account was vulnerable to attack through a number of ways – social engineering, brute force password hacks and so on. While there’s no foolproof way to completely hack proof […]

Facebook Co-founder In PH

Local tech companies pitching him ideas Facebook co-founder, Eduardo Luiz Saverin, is in the PH today, sitting down and taking pitches from several local tech companies. Specifically, Saverin was spotted speaking to Ex-Googler, CEO of Kalibrr and Entrepreneur Paul V. Rivera courtesy of local incubator Kickstart Ventures. Rivera’s company, Kalibrr, is a cloud-based job finder […]