Globe hits back at the SMART Netphone with M.Globe Service

Globe launches M.GLOBE, a free mobile portal The SMART NetPhone has been getting a lot of online press lately from bloggers, tech journalists, and social media users. I’ve been wondering what Globe is doing to counter this and it looks like we have the answer. They just launched M.GLOBE – a free all-in-one mobile portal. […]

Globe responds to Tonino Lamborghini

Globe just released an official statement in response to Tonino Lamborghini’s allegation that Globe didn’t have the right or authority to use the “Tonino Lamborghini” name for their Tattoo stick. According to the press release, Globe got the rights from Primo Mobile, the caretaker of all mobile phone related products for Tonino Lamborghini. Here’s the […]

Tonino Lamborghini issues statement against Globe

In a stunning turn of events Tonino Lamborghini released an official press statement saying that the 4G Tonino Lamborghini Stick by Globe is a fake. The statement is signed by their CEO, Gian Luca Filippi, and it goes on to say that they haven’t authorized anybody to make such a product and is such considered […]

Globe Tattoo Tonino Lamborghini to offer Prepaid Kit, Volume-based plans

Globe is ramping up their efforts for their HSPA+ product, the Globe Tattoo Tonino Lamborghini. This might not necessarily be in response to the Smart Bro Rocket Plug-it but we will be seeing major product changes in the next few months. Definitely excited to see how their HSPA+ service will look like by the end […]

Globe Tattoo Tonino Lamborghini HSPA+ Site (1 Bar)

After a few months of trying to connect to an HSPA+ site with my Globe Tattoo Tonino Lamborghini! I finally found a place with coverage two days ago. This is in the Figaro coffee shop across the hospital along Panay (forgot the name). I was only able to get just 1 bar of HSPA+ signal […]

Vote for Unbox at the Globe Tatt Awards (Tech Junkie)

I was surprised when I got a call from Globe informing me that I was a finalist for their “Globe Tatt Awards for Social Media” under the Tech Junkie category. It’s a huge honor just to be considered a finalist so to Globe and to everyone who supported New Media PH, Unbox, and all of […]

Globe’s BlackBerry PlayBook Launch Pics

Globe launched the BlackBerry Playbook last week and it was well attended by celebrities, press, and bloggers. We’ve been getting a lot of good feedback about the Playbook here in the Philippines but mostly coming from people who own BlackBerry smartphones (which makes sense). I have one myself and I’ve decided to use it as […]

Globe offers BlackBerry PlayBook bundled with BlackBerry phones

We picked this up Twitter yesterday. Globe Telecom is offering a limited pre-order deal for the BlackBerry PlayBook. You can get it as a bundle together with different BlackBerry smartphones as a postpaid package. If you subscribe to the plan you can get both the tablet and the phone in one go. However don’t the […]

Globe Tattoo Tonino Lamborghini (4G) vs Smart Power Plug-it (3G)

After more than 3 weeks of testing the Globe Tattoo Lamborghini (4G), we’ve come to the conclusion that if you can’t connect to the HSPA+ network then you’re better off with your normal 3G USB stick. We tested the 4G Globe Postpaid Tattoo Lamborghini against the 3G Smart Prepaid Power Plug-it and the results are […]

Globe Tattoo Tonino Lamborghini 4G Stick Day 5 Update

So we’re on day 5 of our Globe Tattoo Tonino Lamborghini 4G Stick experience. We actually had a very good first day but sadly it’s all been downhill since then. Ever since typhoon Falcon passed through the country the speed of the 4G stick has been reduced to an average of 300-400kbps and an all-time […]

Globe and Smart 4G’s Weakness: Rain?

Our testing of the Globe 4G Stick (Globe Tattoo Tonino Lamborghini) hit a rough patch in the form of the storm that hit Metro Manila. As most of you who own 3G-3.5G internet devices know, rain can drastically reduce broadband speed. This is just the weakness of wireless based technologies. It was a good time […]

Globe Tattoo Tonino Lamborghini 4G Stick Day 1 Review

Globe recently launched the Globe Tattoo Tonino Lamborghini 4G Stick which is supposed to deliver up to 10mbps when connected to the HSPA+ network. Globe’s HSPA+ coverage barely covers majority of Metro Manila yet so it’s crucial that we also test this against areas without HSPA+ to see how much speed we will be getting […]