Ryu from Super Street Fighter IV by Play Arts Kai

Ryu! One of the lines that we’re currently completing from Play Arts Kai is the Super Street Fighter IV set. We’ve actually picked up several already in the last few months so we’ll slowly start featuring the figures here at Unbox. To kick things off we have with us the “lead star” of the game, […]

Smart Signs Alodia as their New Brand Ambassador

Cosplay Queen Switches to Smart Cosplay Queen Alodia Gosiengfiao is Smart’s newest endorser for SmartGames and Smart e-PINS. This is definitely an interesting development since she was previously Globe’s banner girl for their Tattoo Broadband product. She’s definitely worth fighting for though since she has millions of followers online and it looks like the product […]

Nokia Lumia 625 Unboxing and Initial Review

Nokia Lumia 625! The Nokia Lumia 625 is one of the most affordable LTE-capable smartphones in the market today. Given the pervasiveness and availability of LTE already, it’s important for would-be smartphone buyers to make sure that they get maximum bang for their buck by having access to the fastest mobile internet network. Aside from […]

Unbox.ph’s Top 10 Flagship Smartphones Under Php25,000 (Late 2013)

We’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about our top picks for smartphones in the Php20,000-Php25,000 price range. It’s probably because people are starting to get their 13th month pay and Christmas bonuses, lol. Anyway we checked the various online shops for the latest prices of the flagships of different brands and we were […]

[Editorial] What does a Tech Blogger Write About During These Trying Times?

As of this writing I have around 16 gadgets, a mix of smartphones, tablets, laptops, and headphones, still in their boxes here at home. They’re all in line for unboxing and review articles here in Unbox. However each time I pick one up and bring out my camera to start doing the usual pictures I […]

Nokia Lumia 625 Most Affordable LTE Smartphone at Php8,600?

Nokia Lumia 625 for Php8,600? We were going through the price lists of the various online stores for good buys and we chanced upon the updated tag of the LTE-capable Nokia Lumia 625. Kimstore is selling it for just Php8,600. That’s a crazy good deal if you ask us since you get a fully functional […]

Podcast Ep. 42: Yolanda Relief, iPad Air, Lenovo A850 and Vibe X

The latest episode of the Unbox Podcast is now here! We start the show by calling on all of our viewers (and readers) to help out with Yolanda relief operations. The damage done truly is catastrophic and our Kababayans will need all the help they can get. Donating is easy since you can do it […]

To Our Manila Readers: A Miracle Happened so Please Help Yolanda Victims

According to blogger Komentariat, Manila literally dodged a bullet and avoided getting submerged and battered by Yolanda because it suddenly changed trajectory last minute. Call it what you will but it definitely looks like nothing short of a miracle for us and we believe that this is a call for everyone who was spared to […]

BlackBerry Z10’s Price Drops to Php13,500 in Online Stores

Best time to get a BlackBerry Z10? Initially offered for more than Php30,000, the BlackBerry Z10 is now being sold by online shops for an amazingly low price of Php13,500. That’s almost a third already of the original price of BlackBerry’s flagship touchscreen smartphone. That’s good value for money already considering the features and specifications […]

iPhone 5C Review: Unapologetically Plastic and Colorful iPhone 5

The iPhone 5C has yet to officially be released in the Philippines but online stores like Kimstore are already offering it below Php28,000. We managed to snag a unit up a few weeks ago and we already did several articles including the unboxing and even feature it on the podcast. To get a full feel […]

Nokia Lumia 1020 and HTC One Mini Unofficially Land in the Philippines

The Nokia Lumia 1020 and the HTC One Mini are starting to pop up in online shops here in the Philippines. Widget City is actually already offering the HTC One Mini and they just announced yesterday that they will start selling the Nokia Lumia 1020 very soon. Still no word from both Nokia PH and […]

Sony Xperia Z Ultra LTE Lands Unofficially for Php29,180

LTE Sony Xperia Z Ultra for Php29,180 The LTE variant of the 6.4-inch Sony Xperia Z Ultra is headed to the Philippines! The official release is set for October but online stores like Kimstore is due to starting shipping them out to buyers by Wednesday, September 18. It will initially sell for Php29,180 which is […]