Lenovo A60+ Review

Review: Lenovo A60+ The Lenovo A60+ replaced the A65 as the new entry-level smartphone in Lenovo’s line-up. The new model sports a better processor, fast graphics card, and a slimmer design. It also has a more affordable price coming in at Php4,999 which is Php500 less than the A65’s Php5,499 price tag. With the onslaught […]

Starmobile Astra Review

Starmobile Astra REVIEW Unbox.ph brings you the first ever review of the highly anticipated and much-talked about Starmobile Astra! This eyebrow-raising smartphone captured the attention of a lot of tech fans here in the Philippines because of the great specifications, hardware design, and most especially the price. For Php6,999 you get a Dual-core, dual SIM […]

Apple announces the iPad Mini and 4th Generation iPad

Apple had a very busy keynote presentation! They announced a whole line-up of products: a new 13-inch Retina Display MacBook Pro, a thinner iMac, revamped Mac Mini, the 4th Generation iPad (they killed the 3rd Generation), and the new iPad Mini. For this post we will focus on the iPads. iPad Mini: 7.9-inch Display, 53% […]

Whydah Gally Dead Parrots Don’t Talk Headphone

Headphones Made for Pirates? Lol Whydah Gally is an audio gear company from Sweden formed by music fans in 2011. Unlike other headphones in the market, these guys went all out with their pirate theme to the point that they actually banner the Pirate Bay logo in their products. Our blogger friend from Headfonics, Marcus, […]

Aiaiai Capital Headphone Review

Aiaiai Capital Headphone Review Aiaiai was ambitious when they set out to make the Capital Headphone (SRP: Php4,450). They wanted to achieve several things all at the same time: durability, sound quality, and comfort. Did they hit all three? Well we’ve been using and abusing the Aiaiai Capital for the last two weeks and we […]

Samsung Galaxy S3 Review (Smart)

Samsung Galaxy S3 Review The Samsung Galaxy S3 was one of the most anticipated smartphones for 2012. The buzz around this phone was just off the charts! Foreign and local bloggers/tech journalists were writing about this as early as Mobile World Congress. Add to this the fact that the S3’s predecessors, the Galaxy S2 and […]

Rock of Ages Movie Review

The larger-than-life, 80’s rock n’ roll party rolled its way to the silver screen last June 14, 2012. Big named stars put on some of the era’s most memorable hairstyle (and fashion statement) and raised the volume to “Face-Melt” but is the movie worth the watch? The answer is: it depends on your frame of […]

Powerbag Review

Review: Powerbag We’ve been testing out the Powerbag for the last few weeks and we’re pretty much happy with it! The main selling point of the bag is that it has a 3,000mAh battery built into one of the pockets which can then charge up your mobile devices. It also is made from quality material […]

Nokia Lumia 610 Philippines Review

Nokia Lumia 610 Windows Phone Review

Nokia Lumia 610 Windows Phone Review The Nokia Lumia 610 is one of the best entry level smartphones in the market today. Not only does Windows Phone 7.5 run smoothly on the device, the hardware also looks amazing! It definitely does not look like a phone under Php11,000. We’ve had a test unit for over […]

Unboxing the Lytro Camera

Unboxing the Lytro Camera The Lytro Camera made waves last year worldwide when they showcased the after-shot focusing feature of their optics. It grabbed the attention of all the tech and photography blogs and it even caused a series of debates between traditional and liberal photographers. Personally I was blown away by the concept and […]

Un-bagged: Hans Roxas-Chua

“Un-bagged” is a regular section here on Unbox where we feature the stuff inside the bags of Filipino celebrities, professionals, and executives. Hans Roxas-Chua is currently the President of Blue Blade Technologies, a company focused on mobile applications and digital marketing. He’s also the President of E-Learning Edge, the company that runs the Certified Digital […]

MiLi Power iBox for the iPad

Review: MiLi Power iBox for the iPad I was already used to seeing battery packs/cases for iPhones. However I never expected that I’d see the same kind of products for the iPad! I was really surprised when MiLi Philippines sent us a review loaner unit of the MiLi Power Box for the iPad, battery pack […]