Ookla Crowns Smart As King Of Mobile Speedtest Once Again (Q1 2022)

This may no longer come as a surprise to some, but Smart was declared by Ookla once again to be the fastest mobile internet provider in the country. The company is currently making a lot of noise with the Sun conversion, unlimited Free TikTok promos, and being the top company in the Philippines as per […]

Smart Unveils Free TikTok For All With Prepaid Promos

In 2022, there is no doubt that Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram still reign as some of the top social media sites. It is worth mentioning though that when you see people out there dancing to the latest craze on the street, it’s usually not because of those three. Standing as the fourth giant is TikTok […]

Kaspersky Labs added to US Blacklist

In the latest advisory of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the US adds Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Labs, along with China Telecom (Americas) Corp. and China Mobile International USA to the blacklist, citing that these companies are deemed a threat to US national security. This makes Kaspersky the first Russian firm to be included in […]

Foreign Telcos May Now Enter the Philippine Market

Recently, the Congress proposed a measure allowing 100 percent foreign ownership in the telecom industry as well as other public utilities. This prompted foreign telcos to express their intention in entering the Philippine market. On Monday, March 21, Durterte finally signed the said measure amending the Public Service Act. This means that foreigners may now […]

Converge Gained An Impressive 69% Revenue Boost In 2021

It seems that Converge has made full use of consumers’ gripes with the big telecom players by grabbing some market share during the pandemic. Due to this, Converge has exponentially increased revenue and income amounts in 2021 as compared to previous years. In a press release, the Internet Service Provider has proudly announced that they’ve […]

President Marcos Signs SIM Card Registration Act

Philippines Only a Signature Away From Passing Sim Registration Bill Into Law

The SIM Card Registration Act, which requires mandatory sim card registration among others, is just one step away from becoming a law. All the conflicting provisions of Senate Bill No. 2395 and House Bill No. 5793 have been ratified by the Senate and House of Representatives in their respective sessions. Now, only President Rodrigo Duterte’s […]

PLDT Blames Construction Works By Another Telco for Latest Fiber Cut

In its latest advisory, PLDT informs its uses from Quezon City, Caloocan, and Bulacan of slower than usual internet services due to a fiber cable cut. In its advisory, PLDT points the cause of the fiber cut to “construction works by another telecommunications company”. From their post, PLDT should have fixed the problem as of […]

Manny Pacquiao Meets With SpaceX To Discuss Local Modernization

Senator and presidential aspirant Manny Pacquiao recently attended a Zoom meeting with SpaceX Head of Relations Rebecca Hunder, along with Senator Koko Pimentel III. Their discussions touched upon a variety of topics which we’ll break down right here. The Falcon 9 Rocket. Photos courtesy of SpaceX The idea of building a rocket launchpad in the […]

Philippine Congress OKs HB 5793 SIM Registration Act

Just a week after Congress approved the second reading of House Bill 5793, also known as the SIM Registration Act, the House Bill has been approved on its third and final reading, which brings us a step closer to the bill becoming a law. Under the said measure, all public telecommunication entities (PTEs) or direct […]

House Approves Bill Allowing Cell Sites in Villages

We may soon start seeing cell sites and support infrastructures in residential areas and even villages, all because of the recently approved House Bill 10388. The House of Representatives has approved, on its third and final reading, House Bill 10388 which allows telecommunications providers and other information communications and technology (ICT) companies to purchase or […]

Panasonic To Build The Largest EV Battery Factory

realme to Launch Electric Vehicles and Scooters in India

Sooner or later, internal combustion engines will be out of the picture. There’s no doubt that electric motors are the future. This is why even smartphone companies are also jumping on the EV bandwagon. Just like Apple, Xiaomi, and OPPO, realme might soon introduce electric vehicles, and even scooters, in India. According to RushLane, the […]

Ookla: Philippines’ Mobile Internet Speed Improves in September

Ookla’s Speedtest Global Index for September 2021 is out. Data from Ookla show that mobile internet speed improved yet again in the Philippines, although broadband speed decreased a bit. According to Ookla, the average mobile internet download speed in the Philippines is 35.03 Mbps. This is 3.73% better than the 33.7 Mbps that was registered […]