Angry Birds Star Wars
Rovio hit a home run with their latest game, Angry Birds Star Wars! The new title, which is now out on iOS and Google Play, is a very fresh and fun take on the Angry Birds series. It takes the best features from the original and the most recent (Angry Birds Space) and then infuses it with the most iconic skills of Star Wars. Yes, in Angry Birds Star Wars your birds not only have laser guns and lightsabers, they can also use the Force. Heck, they can even summon a ship to blow up the “Empire Pigs”!
We’re only on the third chapter of the game so far but we can already say without any doubt that this is the most fun Angry Birds title yet. Seeing the red Angry Bird whip out a lightsaber to cut down wood and cement bars to get to the target pig is soooooo awesome, hehe.

Going through the levels is actually easy especially if you just one to finish them with one star. However if you aim for three stars per stage it can become very challenging and you’ll definitely be repeating the stages several times to get the right strategy.
Best Thing About It: Works on Most Devices
Finally what guarantees the commercial success of Angry Birds Star Wars? It can work on almost any tablet or smartphone. That’s something you can’t say for the graphics intensive titles right? 😛
To get you more excited and to push you to download it, here’s the cinematic trailer.
Check it out on Google Play and the App Store asap!