DICT will Not Push Thru Gradual Deactivation of Unregistered SIMs

With only a month to go before the July 25 deadline for registering SIM cards, the DICT said that it will no longer carry out its plans for the gradual deactivation of unregistered SIM cards. To recall, the DICT initially had plans to force unregisterd SIM card owners to register by gradual deactivation of select […]

PNP Seizes 7000 Registered SIM Cards in Bulacan

While the government’s decision to extend SIM registration is very much welcomed, the DICT is not wrong in saying that scammers are taking advantage of this to victimize people. This was clearly the case when the PNP Cybercrime group arrested a Taiwanese national and two Filipinos for selling close to 7000 registered SIM cards (EMPHASIS […]

LTO Removes Stencil Requirement for Registration Renewal

In its bid to simplify the process of vehicle registration renewal, the LTO announced that it will be removing the stencil requirement, which involves getting the vehicle’s engine and chassis number through stenciling. This new initiative has been confirmed in a memorandum circular that was issued on May 22. LTO explains that removing the stencil […]

President Marcos Signs SIM Card Registration Act

DICT Claims close to 100% of SIM Cards Registered

Following the extension of the SIM Registration deadline to July 25, the DICT claims that around 96% of SIM cards have been registered. The DICT is not expecting 100% registration, so having around 96% of SIM cards registered is already good for the government as far as compliance with the SIM Registration Law is concerned. […]

DICT to Launch SIM Check Initiative to Combat Scammers

On top of its efforts in pushing everyone to register their SIMs ASAP, especially with the 90-day extension period, the DICT is set to launch a new initiative called “Project: SIM Check Mo” as part of its efforts to combat cybercrime and scammers looking to victimize people. According to a report, “Project: SIM Check Mo” […]

Unregistered SIM Owners May Lose Some Services ASAP

Some may be cheering that there’s been a 90-day final extension for SIM Registration until July 25. However, some still remain stubborn despite the repeat emergency broadcasts we’ve all been experiencing as of late. The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) believes that partial loss of access to services may incentivize unregistered SIM users […]

President Marcos Signs SIM Card Registration Act

Unregistered SIM cards can gradually lose access to select services

While there’s good news that the government has agreed to extend the SIM Registration deadline by 90 days, the DICT warned that unregistered SIM cards will gradually lose access to select services until they become completely invalid come July 25. In a presscon, DICT Sec. Ivan John Uy explained that those with unregistered SIM cards […]

President Marcos Signs SIM Card Registration Act

SIM Reactivation in the Philippines Possible Even After April 26 Deadline

With April 26 being just a few days away, and the DICT has no plans of extending the registration for SIM cards, one of the consequences of not registering your SIM card is that it will get deactivated. However, the IRR for the SIM Registration Law also provides a provision for reactivation should users miss […]

How to Register your DITO SIM in the Philippines 2023

With only a few days to go before the April 26 deadline, barely 50% of SIM cards (44.15% to be specific, as of April 19) in the Philippines are registered. As of April 18, only 36.08% of DITO’s subscribers have registered. In case you haven’t registered your DITO SIM, here’s a quick tutorial on how […]

How to Register your Smart SIM in the Philippines 2023

With only a few days to go before the April 26 deadline, barely 50% of SIM cards (44.15% to be specific, as of April 19) in the Philippines are registered. As of April 20, only 55.1% of Smart’s subscribers have registered. In case you haven’t registered your Smart SIM, here’s a quick tutorial on how […]

How to Register your Globe SIM in the Philippines 2023

With only a few days to go before the April 26 deadline, barely 50% of SIM cards (44.15% to be specific, as of April 19) in the Philippines are registered. As of April 18, only 38.2% of Globe’s subscribers have registered. In case you haven’t registered your Globe SIM, here’s a quick tutorial on how […]

Globe Urges Subscribers to Register their SIM Before April 26

With just a few days before April 26, Globe urges all of its subscribers to register their SIM before the DICT-mandated deadline for SIM registration. As of April 20, 33.067 million of its subscribers have registered out of its 86.5 million customer base, which translates to around 38.2% of its subscribers complying with the SIM […]