With internet being more affordable in recent years, some users prefer to get an unlimited prepaid internet plan to supplement their existing internet connection at home. Telcos have their respective offerings for unlimited prepaid internet, and we explore what’s available in 2025.
It may be just the start of the year, but there have been some changes with these unlimited data pack from telco providers. Here’s a rundown of what unlimited prepaid internet offerings telcos have in 2025:
Aside from offering prepaid fiber, GOMO’s only unlimited prepaid internet offering is their 30 day pack that’s priced at Php 799 and is available occasionally–though you can get a SIM that has 30 days of unlimited data for the same price. GOMO’s unlimited data offering is Php 100 more expensive this year, but the tradeoff is that is that speeds are now capped at 10Mbps instead of 5Mbps.
On the Smart app, all of their prepaid unlimited data packs have 5G connectivity and is more expensive at Php 749 for 30 days. Unlike GOMO, Smart offers its unlimited data pack in 1 day (Php 75), 3 days (Php 125), and 7 days (Php 249), and you can get them with unlimited calls and text for an added premium–for the 30-day pack, that’s an additional Php 200.
Smart does have their unlimited data for a longer duration–as long as 90 days for Php 1949–for those who want the added convenience.
DITO’s unlimited 5G data packs remain unchanged, so you still have the same options between 7 days, 15 days, and 30 days. Aside from having unlimited texts and 300 minutes of calls to other networks, you also get 4G data allocation–up to 50GB for the 30 day pack.
Just like last year, Globe does not offer any unlimited data packs to its prepaid subscribers, Those who want unlimited data should go for GOMO, which is technically under Globe. With Smart and DITO having competitive unlimited data offerings, we’re hoping that Globe may offer something that’s different from what you can get with GOMO.
Which offers the best deal?
Factoring in value for money, Smart’s unlimited 5G data packs offer the best value–in both data only and with unlimited calls and texts–so far for 2025. We’re still waiting if DITO and GOMO will update their unlimited data offerings, and we’re still waiting if Globe will have their own offering that’s different from GOMO.
If duration is your concern, Smart is currently the only one that has unlimited data options for 60 days and 90 days–but do note that their pricing is the same as with their 30 day pack.