Following the launch of the Galaxy S21 Ultra and its native support for S Pen, the fate of the Galaxy Note series is now in limbo. While there are previous reports that Samsung might discontinue the Galaxy Note series, LetsGoDigital says otherwise, saying that Samsung might launch a Galaxy Note 21 FE.
2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the Galaxy Note, and it makes sense to an extent that Samsung will release one more model before the Galaxy Note line sets sail to the sunset. This report corroborates with a previous article about a mid-range Galaxy Note phone coming soon.
In the renders revealed by LetsGoDigital, the Galaxy Note 21 FE is expected to look similar to the Galaxy S21 series with a large camera module at the top left corner that is seamlessly inegrated to the aluminum frame. Since it has an S Pen integrated into the phone, the Galaxy Note 21 FE is expected to be thicker than its Galaxy S21 siblings to accommodate the stylus. The display is at 6.5-inches, which is also the same size quoted on an alleged listing error in Samsung’s Brazil site.
To keep costs down, the Galaxy Note 21 FE will have a flat display and Full HD+ resolution, along with a plastic back like the vanilla Galaxy Note 20. As for the S Pen, the Galaxy Note 21 FE is expected to use the regular S Pen, which has a 26ms latency. The processing package might be the same with the Galaxy Note 20 series, so expect either an Exynos 990 or Snapdragon 865 powering it. Lastly, the packaging is expected to be similar to the Galaxy S21 series, so you don’t get a charger or headset.
There’s no official word on when Samsung will make the Galaxy Note 21 FE official, though LetsGoDigital points to a possible August launch date for the S Pen-sporting phablet.