The Timbre Guitarra Headphones Unboxed!
Remember the Timbre Guitarra Headphones that we featured a few days ago? We now have a review unit with us courtesy of Timbre! This is a Filipino brand of headphones that were designed and conceptualized here in the Philippines but the cans (just like almost 90% of all other products) are manufactured in China. The design is a collaboration between the product owners and Team Manila and you can really feel the national pride vibe that they wanted to project with this product the moment you lay your eyes on it.
Check out the full unboxing as well as our initial impressions below. Don’t forget to read the captions!
Time to take it out of the box!
What’s inside the box?
Opening is easy. Just pull the slits at the top, pop it open, and pull out the plastic container with the cans. There’s no manual since all the information you need can be found on the back and sides of the box.
Initial Impressions
I haven’t spent too much time with the cans yet since it’s been just 3 hours since I got a hold of them. I was able to get a few tracks in while on the road home earlier. I plugged the Timbre Guitarra on my Nationite NaNite N2 and found it the performance pretty well for bass-heavy songs. It has the same sound signature of the Audio-Technica PRO5MK2 (good bass, mids could use improvement) but take it down a few notches. That’s not a bad thing considering the Timbre Guitarra is set to sell for just Php2,500.
We’ll be spending more time with this over the next three days. Expect the full review this coming weekend!
FYI: The Timbre Guitarra is not yet officially available. However it should hit stores on December. Expect Apple Resellers and several lifestyle stores to sell them. Oh this also comes in black.