Most Tweeted TV Segment in the World?
Eat Bulaga’s Kalyserye “Aldub” continues to break records on social media. Last week they did a record-breaking 6.5M tweets, beating the 6.2M tweets originally held by the hashtag #LoveWins. Today they made history once again and they didn’t just hit 7M, 8M, or even 9M tweets. The “AlDub Nation” delivered over 11M tweets with the hashtag #AlDubMostAwaitedDate. This is nothing short of amazing and we just want to take this opportunity to salute the fans of AlDub, the entire cast and crew of Eat Bulaga, and of course Alden Richards and Maine “Yaya Dub” Mendoza.
The madness over AlDub continues to take the country by storm and we really witnessed this first hand earlier today. On Twitter we saw someone post a photo of people crowding a TV at TGIF so that they could watch the show. Talk about Pacquiao levels right?

What takes the cake though is the photo on the left. This one was uploaded by one Acee Vitangcol who watched the show on his MyPhone TV phone while he was riding a boat. ^^;
It looks like this won’t die down anytime soon so expect to see your Twitter and Facebook feeds to be constantly flooded by people talking about AlDub every Saturday during their big plot episodes.
PS: We’re currently confirming with our contacts with Twitter to see if the 11M tweets is the top record in the Philippines, Asia, or the world. As soon as we find out we’ll do another post.
See Also:
Talk ‘N Text and McDonald’s Tap AlDub for their TVCs