When you think of leather bags the brands that usually come to mind are the international luxury names like Gucci, Prada, and Bally. However you don’t really need to spend that much for your everyday workbag because there are a lot of excellent Filipino made leather bag brands in the market today. We’ve rounded up some of the top local brands that you guys simply have to check out and support.
Fino Leatherwear
Fino has been in the market for quite a while now. They’re known for great luxurious design, high quality materials, and sensible pricing. They’ve also been big on collaborations. In fact as we write this they’re in the middle of their HIStory campaign where they’re slowly revealing collaboration pieces with iconic Filipino professionals, entrepreneurs, and executives.
Take for example this amazing collab they have with restauranteur Elbert Cuenca.
According to Fino, Elbert drew inspiration from classic FINO shapes and combined them with vintage racing cars. This distressed brown and grey leather definitely lives up to that retro feel. “I also wanted to be able to incorporate an intentional racer design with a stripe and a number.”
Here’s another piece that they worked on together.
The bags are already available in Fino stores in malls (Php14,500). You can also learn more about them in their website.
School of Satchel
School of Satchel is another local brand that made a big statement when they got everyone’s favorite silver-haired tito, James Deakin, to be their brand ambassador. They specialize more in modern day leather work gear and traditional satchels. Very… hipster in a proudly local way.
Prices of their bags range from 5k – 12k. Pretty reasonable given the quality of the leather and the craftsmanship. You can buy from them online at their website or visit their pop-up store in Shangrila EDSA mall (East Wing).
Tannery Manila
I was personally introduced to local leather bags via Tannery Manila. They used to hold pop-up garage sales in Quezon City and I was always stunned with the quality of product that they had to offer. Today they now have a concept store in Shangrila Mall EDSA (East Wing) where they display all of their products ranging from satchels, backpacks, briefcases, purses, bag tags, passport holders, etc.
You can learn more about Tannery Manila by checking out their Facebook Page. We also suggest you guys make the trip to their concept store in Shangrila.
How about you guys? Do you know of local leather bag brands that we should feature or include in this list? Hit us up in the comments section below!