Unbox.ph was launched around 4 months ago and the amount of traffic it’s received in the short amount of time is truly amazing and inspiring. June isn’t even done yet and we’ve already surpassed all of our previous records once again! We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our readers as well as our partners for the support and love. We will definitely continue to share with everyone the “awesomest” products that we can unbox. Oh.. that and definitely more giveaways! We’ve actually lined-up a lot of giveaways already until December. 😛
Here’s a short video we prepared to celebrate the success of the site. Please do take time to watch as it’s only 41 seconds long, haha.
Again thanks everyone for the support!
PS: We have two on-going giveaways. There’s the BlackBerry Bold 9780 Blogger contest and the Dove Men Care Gift Pack Raffle. Check them out and join!