After teasing the realme 13 Pro series for a few weeks, the brand has made them official in India today, with the highlight being the brand’s HyperImage+ AI Photography architecture that combines flagship optics, on-device AI imaging algorithms, and cloud-based AI image editing features like Smart Removal, Group Photo Enhancement, and Audio Zoom.
The realme 13 Pro+ gets an upgraded LYT-701 sensor on the main camera with OIS and EIS and a 24mm focal length equivalent. The periscope camera now utilizes a LYT-600 sensor with a 73mm focal length equivalent and also has OIS and EIS. The ultra-wide camera, however, remains the same 8-megapixel shooter with a 16mm focal length equivalent.
The standard 13 Pro, on the other hand, uses an LYT-600 sensor on the main camera and retains the same ultra-wide camera found on the Pro+.