Converge has been getting a number of accolades lately: aside from being proclaimed as the fastest internet provider in the Philippines, they also registered a double digit growth for Q1 2024. These are solid proofs that Converge is doing a good job in improving its services. If that’s not enough, a report from Opensignal reveals that Converge is hailed as the most reliable fixed broadband provider in the Philippines, and leads the competition in terms of download speed, video experience, and reliability experience.
Reading through Opensignal’s report, Converge scored 495 points in reliability experience, which is a 60-point lead against PLDT 90 points higher than Globe. Opensignal explains that a high reliability experience score translates to a better overall user experience that include web browsing, video streaming, and scrolling through social media.
While Converge wins 3 awards from Opensignal–with Upload Speed being a joint win with PLDT–Globe wins in terms of consistent quality at 65.9%. Globe’s score in the said category is not far off from what PLDT and Converge got at 62.6% and 60.8%. Unkike reliability experience, consistent quality measures the percentage where the internet experience can meet minimum performance requirements for HD video streaming, playing games, and group video conference calls.
PLDT, on the other hand, still takes the lead in terms of peak download speed, offering as high as 312.8Mbps. Converge is not far off, as its peak download speed is a little over 300Mbps at 303.5Mbps.