Recently, Qualcomm has been announcing S versions of its Snapdragon chips as toned-down variants. We already have the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 and 7s Gen 2, along with a Snapdragon 6s Gen 3 that’s basically a rebranded 695. The latest chip to join the S family is the Snapdragon 4s Gen 2, which is a toned down version of the Snapdragon 4 Gen 2.
What are the differences with this new Snapdragon 4 series chip? While it is still made on Samsung’s 4nm process, you get lower CPU clock speeds on the 4s Gen 2, with the 2 prime cores running at 2Ghz and the 6 efficiency cores running a 1.8Ghz. You are also limited to LPDDR4X RAM, but you still have support for faster UFS 3.1 storage.
Qualcomm did not disclose what Adreno GPU the Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 uses, but it’s a toned-down version with only support for 90hz refresh rate at Full HD+ and up to an 84-megapixel main camera–so expect phones using this chip to utilize 50-megapixel sensors. Rounding up the differences is a slower 5G model that’s limited to 1Gbps download speeds.
Xiaomi confirmed that they will launch a phone using this new entry-level chip later this year, and we hope more brands use this as well for the global releases.