LG’s most anticipated answer to the Samsung Galaxy Note7, the V20, is set to be unveiled by the company at a product launch event on September 6. New V20 renders have surfaced from PlayfulDroid, along with an actual photo of the 5.5-inch phone from noted leakster Evan Blass (@Evleaks). Like its earlier V10 sibling, the V20 features a small ticker screen above the main display.
As reported earlier, the LG V20 will be the first device to sport the newly released Android 7.0 Nougat. LG also said that the V20 will offer “the best video and audio experience” due to their partnership with B&O Play and the phone’s 32-bit Hi-Fi Quad DAC (digital to analog converter) chip.
LG V20 (Unconfirmed)
- 2.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 quad-core processor
- Adreno 530 graphics processor
- 5.5-inch QHD IPS display, 2560 x 1440 resolution
- 64GB expandable storage, up to 256GB via microSD
- 21-megapixel dual rear camera
- 8-megapixel front camera
- USB Type-C port
- 32-bit Hi-Fi QUAD DAC audio chip
- Android 7.0 Nougat
- 4000mAh battery
Stay tuned for more leaks and details on the LG V20 as we near its official unveiling on September 6.
See Also:
LG’s V20 Phablet Specs Leaked, Will Launch on September 6
LG’s New V20 Will Be The First Phone To Run Nougat Out Of The Box, Not A Nexus
Source: PlayfulDroid, Evan Blass, PhoneArena