What do you want in the next Rio and Infinity devices?
It’s been quite a while since local brand MyPhone has released any new products but that’s set to change at the end of the month. The company is said to be gearing up for a number of new releases, which include the next generation of Rio and Infinity smartphones.
The company seems to have consolidated their product offerings to these two line-ups, which makes sense as it’s easier for people to know roughly what price range the new devices belong to (Rio entry to middle, Infinity high end). So, suppose that MyPhone is reading this, what’s your wishlist in terms of specs and features for the new devices? What features do you want the next wave of MyPhone products to have? For us, it’d be awesome for MyPhone to get a new Rio smartphone to replace the old one, but this time with an octa-core processor and an HD display. Heck, maybe throw in 2GB of RAM while they’re at it?
How about you, what’s your Infinity and Rio wishlist from MyPhone?