After a tortuous 19-hour flight, we’re finally here in Barcelona, Spain for the 2013 Mobile World Congress! That’s me in the photo above and to those wondering why I have a scarf, sweater, and blazer on, it’s because it’s ridiculously cold here in Barcelona! According to the various weather apps we have, the hottest it will get for the week we’re here is just 10 degrees while the coolest is 1 degree. Anyway, we just wanted to make this quick post to let everyone know that the content for the next few days will be really focused on the tech that we’re able to check out at MWC 2013. The actual event will start on February 25 but we’ll try to post something tomorrow since we’re going to do a quick tour of the event venue in the evening. Also we’ve been invited to the press conferences of Nokia and Asus, both companies who are expected to do product launches. Exciting times! 😀
Wish us luck!