Deadpool Makes Everything Awesome!
Yes, Viral Fridays is more a Camille thing but this is too awesome not to share. Also, if you happen to miss Logan and don’t want any spoilers, as small or as big as this may be, you may want to tune out now and may check out our review for the OPPO F3 Plus instead. See what I did there?
Okay, we think that’s enough of a spoiler warning to deter those of you who didn’t catch the movie.
Logan was awesome and a great way to end the movie franchise of Wolverine with Hugh Jackman as Weapon X. Just before the credits roll, we encounter a tear-jerker of a moment when Laura calls Logan “Daddy” before he meets his end. Laura and the group of mutant children lay him to rest and escape to Canada where they seek asylum, but before that his daughter tilts the cross to form an X over Wolverine’s grave. After an establishing shot and some epic music, the screen fades to black and we see the credits.
What we weren’t treated to, however, was the trademark end-credits scene that Marvel has been known for; perhaps a tilt of the hat to the signify the end of an era.
You probably saw the trailer for the Deadpool sequel before the movie began and, well, a fan wasn’t satisfied that the lights just went on after sitting through the thousand of names that made the production of Logan possible.
The video you see below is from JoBlo Movie Trailers on YouTube and we’ll let it speak for itself.