Several months after it has filed a bill criminalizing hoax orders, the Senate has approved Senate Bill 2302, which is known as “An Act Providing Measures to Protect Individuals Engaged in Food, Grocery, and Pharmacy Delivery Services”.
Approved in third and final reading with 23 affirmative votes, Senate Bill 2302 aims to prohibit any delivery service providers–specifically those dealing with food, grocery, or pharmacy orders–from requiring delivery riders to advance any amount to fulfill orders. The bill also requires delivery service providers to shoulder the cost of the bill in case of hoax orders.
Speaking of hoax orders, the Senate bill aims to control it by requiring the implementation of KYC (know your customer) rules. This means that customers should submit and verify their identity and residential address in compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012.
On top of requiring KYC rules, the bill also criminalizes fake delivery bookings with imprisonment and/or a fine amounting to not more than Php 100,000. Aside from those penalties, the licenses and permits of the violators will be revoked under the said bill.
The bill also prohibits the use of another person’s personal information, cancellation of confirmed orders, and refusal to receive unpaid orders “when such order has been placed by him personally or if the order is placed by virtue of his authority”.