Xiaomi Is Making A Phone With A 200-Megapixel Camera

Xiaomi Is Making A Phone With A 200-Megapixel Camera

Xiaomi is no stranger to launching camera phones with ridiculous megapixel counts, but recent rumors point to the brand doubling down on their “more megapixels = more better” strategy. There are now persistent rumors that Xiaomi is working on a phone that’ll come with a massive 200-megapixel camera, which dwarfs the current 108-megapixel sensors that its other phones currently use.

200 Megapixel Smartphone

According to a Weibo blogger, the upcoming sensor is being built in cooperation with Samsung and is expected to be better than the company’s current ISOCELL GN2 and pack more megapixels as well. Right now there are no clues as to how this will translate in terms of what features the improved imaging system can offer.

If we were to base it off the existing Samsung 50-Megapixel ISOCELL GN2’s performance this technology enables power-efficient performance by utilizing more than one sensor to produce quality photos as seen on the Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra. This sensor also makes it possible to take 100-megapixel photos, create instant HDR images, and record videos at 1080p @480 fps or 4K @ 120 fps.

200 Megapixel Smartphone
It is worth noting that it’s not only Xiaomi that’s working on a 200-megapixel sensor smartphone. ZTE’s Axon 30 Pro announced that their pro version will have the ultra-large sensor as well. It would be a lost opportunity if Samsung didn’t come out with their own 200-megapixel smartphone considering that they are manufacturing this technology for other companies. However, Samsung has yet to announce which model will sport their ultra-wide camera sensor. You can be sure that it won’t just be Xiaomi that will have a 200-megapixel phone

Seeing as there are now more brands that are keen on using bigger megapixel sensors on their phones, it’s likely that more flagship smartphones may start pitting their ultra-large sensors against commercial point-and-shoot cameras just as Xiaomi did with their Mi 11 Ultra.

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