Remember a few days ago, when the LTO made an unusual suggestion, saying that students should not come to class too early? That statement of theirs was met with so much criticism everywhere that the LTO made a statement about it. Posted on their official Facebook page, LTO said that the statement was taken out of context.
“The Agency only stated its observation on the first day of classes, particularly on the situation where there was a noticeable overcrowding of students in front of schools,” LTO explains in their statement.
LTO also adds that they deny that they made any remark for students to “not go too early to (sic) school” and that it “was never an intention to malign nor criticize the parent’s decision to come to school early.”
While that should make it clear that LTO never made such a statement, we have yet to see any good solution in managing traffic and crowds now that most schools are returning to face-to-face classes. Aside from that, the LTO has a number of problems to deal with right now, especially with the slow process of renewing one’s driver’s license and the glitches in its Land Transportation Management System (LTMS) portal.