As the world continues to deal with the chip shortage, Qualcomm announced four new processors with the Snapdragon 480+, Snapdragon 680, Snapdragon 695, and Snapdragon 778G+. All four processors are aimed towards budget to mid-range phones, with the Snapdragon 680 being the only 4G chip out of the four and the Snapdragon 480+ being the only one using an 8nm process.
The Snapdragon 480+ improves on the non-plus model with a higher-clocked Prime CPU Core at 2.2Ghz (vs 2.0Ghz), along with a higher-clocked Adreno 619 GPU. It also gains support for Full HD+ displays at up to 120hz, along with an X51 5G modem that supports both sub-6 and mmWave 5G networks.
The Snapdragon 680 improves on the Snapdragon 662 with its use of a 6nm process and improved Kryo 265 CPU cores. It also has a new Spectra 346 ISP that lets it process image data from three cameras simultaneously. Unlike the Snapdragon 480+, however, the Snapdragon 680 only supports 90hz displays.
The Snapdragon 695 succeeds the Snapdragon 690 and adds support for mmWave 5G networks. It also uses a newer Kryo 660 CPU cores and Adreno 619 GPU, which Qualcomm claims that the Snapdragon 695 offers up to 15% better CPU performance and up to 30% better GPU performance than the Snapdragon 690.
Rounding up Qualcomm’s announcements is the Snapdragon 778G+, which has its Kryo 670 Prime Core running at 2.5Ghz (vs. 2.4Ghz), along with an improved Adreno 642L GPU that promises up to 20% better GPU performance.
While there is no word when we can expect these chipsets to arrive in phones, HMD Global has expressed interest in the Snapdragon 480+, while OPPO is considering the Snapdragon 695. Xiaomi, on the other hand, said that it will launch a phone using the Snapdragon 695 and 778G+ soon. Aside from those brands, Motorola, vivo, and HONOR are expected to use any of the four newly-announced processors.