Galaxy S6 OVER the Galaxy S6 Edge? Why?
We’ve had the chance to use both the Samsung Galaxy S6 and the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge and after a lot of time with both units we’ve come to the conclusion that the Samsung Galaxy S6 is the more practical, functional, and solid smartphone between the two. Don’t get us wrong though — the Galaxy S6 Edge is one piece of gorgeous tech wizardry but ultimately the Galaxy S6 is just more ergonomic and better for everyday use. We drew up the top 3 reasons why we think so and you can check them out below.
Reason 1: It’s just so much easier to hold
The curved edges of the Galaxy S6 Edge are really just for show. There’s no solid functionality you get out of it that can change the way you use your smartphone on a daily basis. That said, the trade-off for this is steep. The edges of the S6 Edge are sharper and thinner making it harder and harsher to hold in your hand. It’s a far cry from the super comfortable rounded edges of the Galaxy S6.
We have to admit that when the edge of the S6 Edge lit up when it was face down and someone was calling we were pretty impressed. The novelty wore off after a few days though, hehe.
Reason 2: There are more cases for it
Making a case for the Galaxy S6 Edge is a nightmare. The thin edges are hard to protect and this is evident with the official cases that Samsung revealed during their launch. The only clearly protected parts are the corners of the top and the bottom. The sides, which have the curved screen edges, are exposed. It’s also hard to imagine a curved tempered glass screen protector that will come cheap just for the S6 Edge, hehe.
If ever you decide to get the Galaxy S6 Edge, be VERY CAREFUL with it. Use it with EXTREME CARE.
Reason 3: Dual SIM baby
Now this one came as a surprise for us. Apparently the Samsung Galaxy S6 units being offered by Smart are all dual-sim variants. Granted you can’t use Globe, you can have both Smart and Sun in ’em. We’re not sure if Globe is also offering the DUOS version.

The fourth reason is a bit too obvious so we didn’t list it down but we’ll say it anyway — the Samsung Galaxy S6 is more affordable. You really are paying a premium for the Galaxy S6 Edge.
If you’re the practical sort, go for the Galaxy S6. It just makes more sense.