Sony’s PlayStation 5 pre-order has come and gone, and just like we expected the next-generation console came and went really fast. Like really fast – even faster than we expected given that people who wanted to get one only had 5 minutes to place their orders in multiple stores.
No one from team Unbox was able to grab one during the limited time period, and we weren’t the only one. There’s a lot of disappointed people out there today that wasn’t able to score a slot in ANY of the portals where you could one, which is understandable considering the extremely LIMITED number of units allocated to the Philippines.
Unfortunately, technical issues also contributed to the problem. Datablitz’s servers were overwhelmed by the number of people who hopped onto it at 2 PM hoping to get stock, and Gameline’s server problems allowed customers to purchase units beyond their allocated stocks.
If you managed to get a slot from them today, I wouldn’t celebrate just yet – they’re now sending emails informing people that they, in fact, did NOT get a PS5 this time around.
And like any major release, the scalpers are out in full force. Their army of bots probably added to the situation, and as of me writing this story an hour after the pre-order went live, there are now multiple listings of the PS5 for more than double its SRP, with the highest we’ve seen so far going as high as Php 62,000. As I said, it’s just an hour after the pre-order period – we’re going to be seeing more of these scalper posts in the future.
It goes without saying that you shouldn’t reward this kind of behavior by buying from scalpers, even if you do have the money for it. These people are the literal scum of the earth and are the reason why new things cost so much money these days (still can’t find a RTX 3080 for non-inflated prices).
If you tried to get one and failed, I feel for you. You can take solace in this article where I lay down the reasons why you shouldn’t pre-order one anyway.Â