Grab Silently Launches Advance Booking Feature

Grab Silently Launches Advance Booking Feature

After rolling out GrabCar Saver last January, Grab silently rolled out a new feature called Advance Booking in its app. Currently in its beta phase, the idea behind Advance Booking is that you plan your Grab rides anywhere between 2 hours to 7 days in advance. 

The idea with this feature is that if you know your plans for the next few days–one example being a trip to the airport–this feature should save you time from waiting for a Grab ride. 

Grab claims that this feature ensures that your driver will arrive on time–but expect external factors like traffic to affect this. Should you have sudden changes in plans, Grab will allow you to cancel your Advance Booking up to one hour before your scheduled ride, and drivers will have up to 15 minutes to wait for you.

The current iteration of Advance Booking is available for trips to the airport, and it’s priced at around Php 1,000. While that may sound pricey, do note that this particular Grab booking is good for up to 3 passengers and up to 3 pcs of luggage weighing 23kg maximum. In short, this feature is of good value if you’re not using the Grab ride alone going to the airport–or if you have huge luggage with you.

While it’s limited to trips to the airport, there’s a possibility that Grab might expand the coverage of Advance Booking in the future.

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