Hawkeye 1/6th Scale Figure from The Avengers by Hot Toys

Hawkeye 1/6th Scale Figure from The Avengers by Hot Toys

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Clint Barton aka Hawkeye from The Avengers (Jeremy Renner)

Our epic quest to complete the main cast 1/6th scale limited edition figures of The Avengers by Hot Toys finally comes to a close with our latest haul — Clint Barton aka Hawkeye as portrayed by Jeremy Renner in The Avengers movie (he also appeared in the first Thor movie). Surprisingly this was the most expensive figure among the entire crew mainly because it’s supposed to be rare (hard-to-find). A lot of sellers online offer it anywhere from Php22,000-Php25,000 while Toy Stores sell it for as high as Php35,000. Crazy. Anyway, to refresh your memories on how Hawkeye was in the movie, check out this fan-made tribute that we found showing him in different scenes.

Okay let’s move on to our feature!

Amazing Likeness to Jeremy Renner

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We have to kick this feature off by just saying how incredibly alike Hot Toys got the head sculpt. It has a stunning likeness to Jeremy Renner! Heck change the clothes of the body to what he wore in The Bourne Legacy and you have a 1/6th Bourne character already. Apart from the resemblance, they also got the stoic and cool facial expression of Hawkeye in the movie. Just unbelievably alike!

Awesome Attention to the Smallest Details

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This figure is a worthy showcase and example of how Hot Toys does the smallest details very well. First they were able to get the body suit down perfectly. We have the Shield logo on the black and pale red vest. We then have the navy blue pants with belts on the waist and thighs. The black boots also looked like they were just shined (lol).

Next we have the accessories. The figure comes with a quiver, two bows, arrows, and different arrowheads.

The first bow is his usual weapon complete with the hand grip, sensor, and the string. There are multiple hand pegs which allow you to let Hawkeye cock the bow properly as if he were about to fire or he’s just fixing the string.

The second bow is a foldable one without the string. It’s the same bow he used in the movie when Loki was asking him what he needed to do as per the Tesseract’s orders. Here are photos of the bow folded and fully stretched out.

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Not bad right?

Next we have the ridiculously kick ass quiver. This is accessory is both awesome and a huge pain in the ass. Let’s talk about why it’s awesome first. There are non-removable arrowheads at the bottom that can actually rotate! Yes folks, just like the in the movie! You can also pull out the arrows in a very realistic manner (using one of the hand pegs). Now the hard part — you have to put in the arrows one at a time at the top and them have the edge of the arrows align with the bottom holder part of the quiver. This took us half an hour to do, lol (we kept on repeating). It was so worth it though after slotting in every arrow correctly.

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But wait… there’s more! The box also came with a lot of arrowheads which you can attach to the arrows. This even includes the grappling arrow which Hawkeye used to escape when the aliens bombarded the roof of the building he was stationed at during the last fight scene. There are also other arrows which have different shapes. Some of them seem to have colored liquid or gas in them. Really awesome level of detail once again!

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Lastly the figure comes with sunglasses. Of course we never saw Hawkeye wear these glasses while fighting in the movie but it definitely makes him look more kick ass, hehe.

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As for posing, you’ll have to spend some time figuring out the different hand pegs and how you can properly pose with the bow, especially if you want to make it look like he’s firing arrows. The good thing here is that the arms are very flexible so you just have to keep adjusting till you find the right angles to match both hands. One of the hand pegs even allows you to draw the string with the arrow! Awesome stuff.

Here are a few more photos of Hawkeye for your appreciation! 🙂

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And with that we finally complete the main cast of The Avengers! We’re still thinking about getting Agent Coulson and Nick Fury but for now we’d rather focus on other series like Man of Steel. Jor-el and Superman are already out so we’re probably going to pick both of those up in the next few days.

Here’s a list of the other Avengers we’ve featured on Unbox:

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