Parang Samsung? OPPO Promises 4 Years Of Updates For New Phones

Parang Samsung? OPPO Promises 4 Years Of Updates For New Phones

Samsung is pretty much the gold standard when it comes to providing OS and security updates to its smartphones, but there’s a challenger on the block. OPPO has announced that it will be offering 4 years of OS updates and providing 5 years of security updates to its phones, matching the commitment of its Korean competitor. This follows the announcement of fellow BKK company OnePlus. which announced an added year to the length of time they support smartphones. bringing the total to 4. 

There is a catch here though: OPPO will only be providing those lengthy ColorOS updates to select flagship products launched in 2023, which means the maker’s more popular Reno, F, K and other more affordable lines of devices won’t be seeing those updates down the line.

There’s also no mention of which select flagship device will be getting those updates as well, which isn’t surprising since the company is likely keeping its 2023 smartphone lineup under tight wraps until MWC 2023 rolls around.

OPPO does say that they’ll be rolling out the ColorOS 13 update to 33 smartphone models globally. ColorOS 13 is the latest Android-Based operating system from OPPO and boasts new features like Smart AOD, Multi-Screen Connect, and Home Screen Management.

While we’re happy that OPPO will be giving more customers 4 years of OS updates, we wish the company would make that commitment to more popular smartphones rather than devices that only a select few.

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