Following the debut of the Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 with the Redmi Note 12R in China, Qualcomm’s new entry-level 5G processor is set to be available in more markets with the unveiling of the Redmi 12 5G in India. Being similar to the Redmi Note 12R, the Redmi 12 5G can be availed with up to 8GB LPDDR4X RAM and up to 256GB UFS 2.2 storage, along with a 5000mAh battery with support for 18w charging (though the included charger is a 22.5w brick).
Its display is a 6.79-inch IPS panel with a Full HD+ resolution, 90hz refresh rate, and a punch-hole for the 8-megapixel selfie camera. The rear cameras are pretty basic with a 50-megapixel main camera and a 2-megapixel depth sensor. Other features include a side-mounted fingerprint scanner, IP53 rating, Gorilla Glass 3 for the back panel, and Android 13-based MIUI 14 with 2 years of major Android updates and 3 years of security updates.
It will go on sale in India on August 4, with the 4GB/128GB version priced at INR 10,999(~Pjp 7.5k) and the 6GB/128GB version priced at INR 12,499(~Php 8.5k). The top-end 8GB/256GB version is priced at INR 15,499(~Php 10.5k). There’s no word yet if Xiaomi plans to make the Redmi 12 5G available in other markets outside of India.